Current Methuen Karate Association (MKA) Black Belts assembled for the regular monthly Black Belt training Thursday night. However, the vigorous class led by Kancho Larry Giordano, Shihan Stephen Giordano, and Shihan Kevin Bihl ended earlier than usual. Friends and family looked on as a group of deserving MKA Black Belts were promoted. Since receiving their Shodan black belts in 2013 Maria Lopez, Donna McKenna, and Mark Truchon have been dedicated practitioners and teachers. These three, along with Sempai Vincent Van Der Linden who received his Shodan in 2014, will have the title Sensei having been promoted to 3rd Dan.
Andy Dimarca was awarded his Shodan in the 1970’s and returned to MKA almost 3 years ago. After a short hiatus recently due to some health issues, Sensei Andy now regularly trains and teaches not only in the monthly schedule, but also special classes for students preparing for kyokushin knockdown tournaments. Andy’s new title is Shihan with his promotion to 5th Dan.
The Goddard family, with over 70 years of study collectively at MKA, had three of their four members increase in rank. Sensei John Goddard Sr. received his 5th Dan and changes title to Shihan. Sempais Lauren and Riane were promoted to 3rd Dan and earned the title of Sensei.
Shihan Kevin Bihl received his promotion to 7th Dan earlier in the evening in a private meeting with Kancho. While technically eligible for the title of “Hanshi”, Shihan Kevin insists that students continue to call him by his current title. Explains Bihl, “Kancho didn’t take the title of Hanshi until he received his 9th Dan. Out of respect for my long-standing karate Master, I will do the same.”